plan 2045

a roadmap to our future

Every five years, the Boone County Planning Commission develops a comprehensive plan to guide the future growth, development and resource management for our community. Throughout the planning process, the team seeks community feedback, through public meetings and surveys, to understand the needs and wants of everyone in our community. All input is considered as we work to deliver a plan which will ensure our community develops into a place where our children and grandchildren want to live, work, and play.



As of September 4, 2024, the Goals & Objectives of Our Boone County 2045 were adopted by the County’s elected officials and the creation of the rest of the Comprehensive Plan began.  The Comprehensive Plan is required to include (per KRS 100) elements of Land Use, Community Facilities, and Transportation as well as other relevant elements which further serve the purpose of the Plan.  The culmination of these Goals & Objectives and subsequent Elements form a document intended to guide public and private actions and decisions to assure the development of public and private property in the most appropriate of relationships.

The final comprehensive Plan (Goals & Objectives + Elements) is adopted by the Boone County Planning Commission (BCPC). See Our Goals & Objectives

it’s our boone county. let’s shape our future together.

we want to hear from you.

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