the boone county planning commission
who are we?
The Boone County Planning Commission (BCPC) in Boone County, Kentucky collaborates with residents and business owners in Florence, Union, Walton and unincorporated Boone County to build a present and future community which balances their interests.

Serve the citizens and business community of Boone County efficiently and effectively.
Provide public information and involvement in planning efforts.
Maintain the diverse character of Boone County.
Anticipate and prepare for future growth and preservation.
making our community a better place
We do this by maintaining the county’s comprehensive plan, Our Boone County – Plan 2045. The BCPC is also responsible for subdivision plats, development plans, and making recommendations for zoning change requests. In short, the BCPC is responsible for thoughtfully guiding development activities in Boone County and making our community a better place to live, work and play.
In addition, Boone County Planning Commission staff members supports eight boards consisting of over 50 members: The Boone County Planning Commission Board whose members serve several committees including the Executive Committee, the Administrative/Personnel Committee, the Airport Committee, the Long Range Planning/ Comprehensive Planning Committee, the Technical Design/ Review Committee, and the Zone Change/ Concept Plan Committee
The Boone County, Florence, Union, and Walton Boards of Adjustment
The Boone County Historic Preservation Review Board
urban forest
The Boone County Urban Forest Commission
The Boone County GIS Advisory Board
Our Boone County
Our plan lays out the countywide plan for creation of a vibrant Boone County in the coming decades. While aiming to balance development and preservation needs for the cities of Florence, Union, and Walton, as well as the Boone County Fiscal Court, the Plan will articulate Land Use and other recommendations built from public engagement efforts.
The Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) Chapter 100 (state law which requires us to Plan) tells us that the planning process is to begin with a statement of Goals & Objectives. Boone County’s four bodies of elected officials (Florence, Walton, Union, and Fiscal Court) set the direction of the plan through adoption of this unified statement of community values which pertain to the entire County’s population.
plan 2045
Our plan
As we work on finalizing the final plan, click the link below to see the progress
Click below to see previous plans from the Boone County Planning Commission

Boone county 2040 plan
Adopted in 2019, Boone County’s current comprehensive plan Our Boone County Plan 2040 lays out a vison of Boone County through the year 2040.

boone county 2035 plan
Adopted in 2012, Planning for the Year 2035 discussed several key elements essential to the long-term well-being of Boone County.

boone county 2030 plan
Adopted in 2005, A Blueprint for the Year 2030 focused on several areas of development impacting the future of Boone County including the environment and transportation.
the key areas of focus within the plan include:

Overall: Creating a vibrant community.
The comprehensive plan serves as a decision-making roadmap for public agencies in unincorporated Boone County and the cities of Florence, Union, and Walton that helps create a high-quality life for all in the community.
Demographics: All about the people of our community.
By understanding the trends and characteristics of the population, we can better identify opportunities and amenities that help to retain and attract new residents and businesses. This focus also includes planning the growth of services, jobs, and housing opportunities
Environment and Natural Resources: The world around us.
This focus area emphasizes the preservation and balanced use of natural resources such as agricultural land, woodlands, scenic valleys, streams, and hillsides. It recognizes their role in providing cleaner air, recreational spaces, and wildlife habitats, aiming to balance environmental protection with economic development.
Cultural Resources: Who we are.
This plan focuses on enhancing recreation, cultural spaces, and community interaction opportunities. It aims to promote and preserve arts and historical heritage, optimizing both recreational facilities and programs to improve overall quality of life.
Economy: More than just money.
The plan promotes a vibrant, diverse, and sustainable economy by encouraging innovation and prosperity. It balances economic growth with environmental considerations and compatible land use. This focus area evaluates current economic conditions and potential future development patterns, including labor force, employment levels, income, poverty, commuting patterns, and future job needs.
Public Facilities and Services: What we need, when we need it.
Core services such as water distribution, sanitary sewage collection and treatment, gas and electric supply, public services, education, health care, and public communications are vital to our community. The plan uses current data to anticipate future expansion needs, ensuring safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible services for all residents and businesses.
Transportation: Moving from the past to the future.
The planning process focuses on efficient movement of people and goods, evaluating opportunities for expanded public transit, infrastructure improvements, and integration of emerging technologies. This plan incorporates the Boone County Transportation Plan and the CVG Airport Master Plan.